Atlas Sinensis
Atlas Sinensis Podcast
3 reasons why you should (not) study Cantonese
Ora attuale: 0:00 / Tempo totale: -12:06

3 reasons why you should (not) study Cantonese

Atlas Sinensis

Welcome to the Atlas Sinensis podcast, hosted by Aurelio Porfiri.

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Join Aurelio as he delves into topics close to his heart, exploring fascinating subjects with depth and insight.

In this episode, he shares his journey of learning the Cantonese language—a beautiful yet challenging dialect spoken in southern China, Hong Kong, and Macau.

Drawing from his recent experiences living in Hong Kong and his time in Macau, Aurelio discusses the intricacies of Cantonese tones, the differences between spoken and written forms, and the numerous abbreviations and conventions that make mastering this language a daunting yet rewarding task.

Tune in to hear Aurelio’s candid reflections, learn about the elegance and complexity of Cantonese, and gain valuable insights into the struggles and joys of language learning.

people walking on side of road
Photo by Nic Low on Unsplash

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Atlas Sinensis
Atlas Sinensis Podcast
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